New Merch, More Comics

Hey all, just popping in to give y'all a brief update on what 2019 is gonna look like for me. EVERYTHING IS GOING WRONG: Comics On Punk & Mental Illness has been all consuming, but after all the backers get their rewards this winter, it'll all be worth it! Ideally, we'll physically debut the book at 2019's Emerald City Comic Con, in Seattle. 

On the editorial front, I'm working on a project with writer Lan Pitts and artist Joe Hunter— it's getting announced next week, so stay tuned! EiGW is chugging along, and there are some cool new creators whose involvement I'll be announcing over the next couple of weeks! 

Writing wise, the thing I'm most excited about is pretty hush-hush, right now. But I'll be dropping a music video turned-comic [for free, don't sue me, please] of AJJ's Keep On Chooglin' sometime in August. Words by them, story, art, and letters by me. 

On to merch: I'm kickstarting a set of enamel pins! I'm still in the early stages of planning the campaign, but it'll be live in the next month or two. SATANIC CARE is gonna be four hard enamel lapel pins— two on black nickel, two on gold. Pretty partial to the CAFFIEND one, myself. These aren't the final designs, so don't be thrown off if you see some color tweaks when I boost it again, but expect something like this. 

Alright. Back to editing. 
